Famous filipino comedian actor Bayani Agbayani, the Mr. Otso-tso was caught in the video drunk and arguing on another unknown guy in a parking lot. The attached Bayani Agbayani nagwala video on this post was so dark looks like a video taken from cellphone.
In an interview with Bayani Agbayani on radio DWIZ he admits that he is the guy who gone wild in that video. So what Bayani did was to explain everything and to say sorry.
(scandal video of Bayani Agbayani)
In my opinion its so unfair with Bayani Agbayani, the guy behind this scene knows that they were capturing the video so they remain silent and and talk mild and peacefully. Until next post, mag otso otso muna :)
Tags: Bayani Agbayani Scandal, Amok video of Bayani Agbayani, Bayani Agbayani Nagwala video, Youtube